Sarah Beatty & Peter Horvat (CAN)

Nachdem ihr Debütalbum „Black Grammophone“ in den Top Ten der National Roots Charts vertreten war, gilt Sarah Beatty in Europa als absoluter Geheimtipp. Sie hat die Bühne mit Ani Difranco und Bruce Cockburn geteilt, ist durch Kanada getourt und hat die USA bis ins Blue Bird Cafe in Nashville mit ihrer Musik begeistert. Die Frau ist aber auch ein Naturereignis, der Klang ihrer Stimme lässt beim Zuhören viele Bilder sanft und mächtig zugleich aufsteigen: einmal klar und schwebend wie ein Kanutrip auf einem ruhigen See, einmal warm und rauchig wie direkt aus einer kanadischen Country-Blues-Kneipe, dann wieder kräftig und intensiv wie die Niagarafälle selbst.
Wer Sarah Beatty einmal live gesehen hat, weiß die Details und Feinheiten ihrer modernen Folk-Märchen ebenso zu schätzen wie das groovige Soul-Blues-Bauchgefühl, das sie heraufzubeschwören versteht. Kraftvolle Rhythmen, feine Melodien, inspirierende, überraschende Texte und eine unverwechselbare Stimme machen jeden ihrer Auftritte zu einem besondern Erlebnis. Musik, die der Soundtrack für einen Italowestern made in Kanada sein könnte, scharfsinnig, lustig, unverschämt, gefühlvoll, rauh, poetisch - Sarah Beatty schlüpft in viele verschiedene Rollen: einmal strahlende und unnahbare Heldin, dann wieder verletzlich und über die Untiefen der Existenz nachsinnend.
Besetzung: Sarah Beatty (Gesang und Gitarre) Peter Horvat (Gitarre und Gesang)
A songwriter and a scientist, Sarah Beatty is full of surprises. Deftly occupying the space surrounding blues, jazz, country, and soulful styled roots music, her music shines brightly with dynamic vocals, imaginative lyrics, and sing-song melodies. She's a versatile performer who can stomp a deep groove and deliver a Regina Spektor-esque quirkiness, all while simultaneously summoning the ache of Billie Holiday. She takes audiences to other worlds, and brings them back home slack-jawed and cheering for more.
Sarah Beatty is a Hamilton, ON, Canada based artist who grew up with two hometowns and many addresses on both sides of the border. She cut her musical teeth singing in public school choirs and playing the french horn in band in Rochester, NY. In Parry Sound, ON and St. Catharines, ON she developed primarily as a singer, collaborating songwriter, and recording artist in various local and regional acts (The Marantz Project, My Son the Hurricane, Mike Lynch, The Screaming Black Cadillacs).
Then, in late 2011, she decided to record the first tracks of what would become her debut solo album, Black Gramophone (released May, 2012). In just a few short months, the live-off-the floor recording garnered support from local and international press and radio, national audiences, and generated an invite to audition for the Mariposa Folk Festival and a Roots Recording of the Year nomination from the Hamilton Music Awards in 2012.
Since the release, Beatty and her songs have toured Canada, the US, and Europe.... winning over audiences and building a reputation for her dazzling and down-home performances all along the way. Highlights include having shared stages with international touring and local artists alike. Ani Difranco, Vance Gilbert, Corinna Rose, Ariana Gillis, Lori Yates, Mary Simon, Matty Simpson, Shawn William Clarke, Kyp Harness, Scott Cook, and Tomi Swick. In addition to her regular performance schedule, Beatty has also quickly become a festival regular, with appearances at Mariposa Folk Festival, Eaglewood Folk Festival, Winterfolk, Festival of Friends, Illuminaqua, In the Soil, Harrishire Folk Festival, and other regional gatherings.
Throughout her musical life, Sarah has concurrently pursued an interest and creative bent in Environmental Science. She is accredited in Geographic Information Systems and Hydrogeology and is an experimentalist by training. Her original research is published in peer-reviewed international journals and has been presented at international conferences. She received her PhD in Environmental Science from McMaster University in June, 2016.