Die Singer/Songwriterin MAXX hat sich bereits im Raum Berlin, mit ihrer angenehm floatingen Soul-Pop Musik, einen Namen gemacht. Ihre Musik ist ein interessanter Mix aus Soul-Pop und Jazz. Eigen, ungewöhnlich und manchmal verschlungen, doch um so neuer, interessanter und mitreißender schafft sie die Brücke zwischen spielerischem Pop und herausfordernden jazzigen Ansätzen so galant, das man einfach nicht weg hören kann.
Sowohl Solo als auch mit ihrer Band „The Redbook Project“ bespielte sie hier bereits zahlreiche Bühnen. Unter anderem die Hitradio RTL Bühne am Tag der deutschen Einheit vorm Brandenburger Tor, die Steps Ahead Stage der UDK im Rahmen der Music Most Wanted Messe und auf der Feté de la Musique 2017.
MAXX is power, emotion, and a floating trip of music.
Soul meets pop, get's in touch with Hip-Hop and Jazz elements, sometimes taking a trip to oriental based music. Whoever has been on a concert of her, knows it completly blows you off your feet.
MAXX delivers natural, strong sounds, fun, strength and a groove that will make you move. Her voluminous voice combined with her thoughtful lyrics melt together with her arrangements, that take you back to the roots of your passion.
MAXX's origins are in Düsseldorf. Born in Germany but being only minutes away from the Netherlands, MAXX also travelled widely in her youth and was influenced by various cultures.
Her music is for always touched by these lasting impressions. Normal pop-music has never been enough for MAXX.
Early on, she started experimenting by merging different sounds and rhytms. Driven by her inquisitive and curious mind, she relentlessly continued developing her music.
After going through different bands and projects, she finally settled down in Berlin. Her latest band project, The Redbook Project, is steadily growing and gaining an audience.
MAXX is also evolving as an individual musician, always keen to keep on growing.
MAXX is warm, assertive and intelligent person that everyone loves collaborating with.