Jakob Dahn (DK)

Jakob Dahn ist ein Sänger, Gitarrist, Songwriter und Schriftsteller. Mit seinen Rockbands Nothing of this is Real und Skywriter ist er durch Dänemark und Deutschland getourt und hat Platten veröffentlicht.
Er hat Solokonzerte und Wohnzimmerkonzerte in Dänemark, Deutschland, Schweden und New York gespielt und eine sehr intime Atmosphäre kreiert, die die Zuhörer in ihren Bann zieht. Seine Texte handeln von Liebesgeschichten, Geschichten aus dem Leben und haben manchmal einen politischen Touch.
Die Stimme, Musik und Texte erinnern an Cohen und Nick Caves staubige Straßen mit fesselnden Melodien wie von The National oder Bowie.
Ein Konzert von Jakob Dahn ist Rock, Americana und Indie-Pop.
Jakob Dahn is a singer, guitarist, songwriter and writer. He has been touring and releasing albums in Denmark and Germany with the rock bands Nothing of this is Real and Skywriter.
He has been playing solo concerts and house concerts in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and New York creating a very intimate atmosphere, involving the audience. His lyrics come around love stories, stories of life and sometimes with a political edge.
The music and lyrics walk in hand in hand with Cohen and Nick Caves dusty roads with catchy tunes like The National and Bowie.
A concert with Jakob Dahn come around rock, americana and indie-pop.
He will be launching a release in 2017 with his brand new solo project.
Nothing of this is Real was a duo with bass-player, guitarist and producer Morten Dalhoff. They released the album Did We Kill You, Dear In 2015 and received great reviews.
Skywriter released the album Where Both worlds Never Meet in 2006 on Iceberg Records - produced by Swedish wizard Mattias Glava. It was released in Germany with tours around Denmark, Germany, Switzerland. Some singles were on rotation on National Radio stations – P3, P4 and NDR.
He has been collaborating with Danish and Swedish artist and producers in pop and alt. pop/rock genres.
Reviews ( a selection)
Erkenntnis nach dem letzten Takt: starker Gesang, fehlerfrei instrumentiert, toll komponiert und ausgewogen produziert. - ( Nothing of this is Real )
Nordische Musik.de - (15/18)
This is an album crammed full of more good tunes than some bands will offer over 10 years..-
( Nothing of this is Real )
Nordic Music Review. UK – (8/10)
Lead vocalist Jakob Dahn sounds like a dusty union between Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen – a Danish version of Morrissey (shutter). - Lowcut Magazine
"Jakob Dahn, he of the Leonard Cohen/Nick Cave/Morrissey-esque pipes and otherwise ruthless charms..." - Parasol Records