ENTFÄLLT!!! Troy Faid - Tim Loud (UK)

Das Kozert fällt wegen eines Verkehrsunfalls leider aus! (den beiden geht es bis auf den Schreck zum Glück gut, das Auto ist aber Schrott)
Troy Faid ist einer der kreativsten und vielseitigsten Singer-Songwriter der britischen Folkszene. Blues, Folk, Jazz, Elemente der Weltmusik – er nimmt von allem etwas und erfindet es neu in einer ganz eigenen Mischung aus rhythmisch geprägtem Modern Folk. Bei Troy Faids virtuoser Fingerfertigkeit auf der Gitarre oder dem Banjo könnte einem vom Zuschauen ganz schwindelig werden. Zuhören allerdings reicht schon, um in den Bann des Songwriters aus Leeds gezogen zu werden. Lyrisch anspruchsvoll bewegt sich Troy Faid zwischen Philosophie, Literatur und Sozialkritik und regt mit jeder Note zum Nachdenken an. Seine natürlich-erdige, kraftvolle Stimme, die reifer klingt als seine Jahre es zulassen, hat eine mitreißende Intensität. Nach drei von der Kritik gefeierten Alben wird ein neues Album noch für dieses Jahr erwartet.
Begleitet wird er von Tim Loud am Bass, ebenfalls ein alter Bekannter im Filou, der gerade sein drittes Album herausgebracht hat. Im Vorprogramm wird er daraus ein paar Songs auf seiner 12saitigen Gitarre zum Besten geben.
A multi-instrumentalist and songwriter from Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire,. Currently based in Leeds and London. I write music on Guitars, Piano, Kora, Banjo and sometimes write electronic based stuff too.
" stopped me in my tracks...intricate and often dazzling fingerstyle guitar. In a world where there just aren’t enough banjos, and there just isn’t enough dissent, Faid is a beacon of hope. "
- Sarah Coxson - fRoots Magazine
The music is brilliant... It’s not just folk, or just singer songwriter music, it’s not just anything. It’s beautifully different and that’s rare these days...There’s something on this album to reflect anyone’s life and the thoughts we all have about society and its diseases. Troy just doesn’t keep it in his head. He’s found the best way I’ve heard in years to be out loud about it.
- Annemarie de Bie - Living Tradition Magazine
" I have not come across so political and critical lyrics in folk music for a long while. And I love it... the album with tremendous intensity and depth. Faid chooses his words very carefully, the lyrics are poetic and quite wonderful... in his playing you will find the same furious intensity as in his lyrics"
- Dagmar Brudnitzki - Fatea Magazine
“For me Troy’s music is English songwriting performed with the highest integrity with no trace of ego or look at me exhibitionism. Outstanding songwriter and guitarist“
-Tom Robinson - BBC6 Music
“The fingerstyle guitar work is mesmerizing and Faid's pained-with-knowledge-of-the-world voice is sturdy, sinuous, and raw, an instrument that cannot help but affect the listener. Nor will the lyrics disappoint, miniature philosophically existential paeans to various of life's trials and tribulations, statements meant to extend the thought process, not quench it.”
Mark S Tucker - AcousticMusic.com
“Anyone with an ear for earthy, passionately executed singer-songwriter folk & acoustic blues, ranging from Drake to Jansch, Benjamin Wetherill to Charlie Parr should cock an ear towards this prodigious talent!“
- Norman Records
12-String driven, harmonica-blowing, Country/Blues wailing Anti-Folk from Leeds.
Since the release of his eponymous debut EP in Late 2012 Tim Loud has been gigging and touring nationally and internationally, building up a following with his live shows being labelled "... A treat for the ears and his stage presence is phenomenal... definitely something to keep an eye on" Emma Banks- Big Cheese.
The variety of styles he plays ranges from soft folk numbers to finger-flaying punk songs which mean that he is able to tailor his set enabling him to play to diverse audiences.
This year has seen him focus on more releases including a split EP with Depresstival (www.facebook.com/Depresstival) recorded driectly onto reel to reel tape in one take.
He has also completed a full studio recording with 8 new tracks featuring a host of incredible guest musicians.