Manuel Bellone (IT)

Manuel Bellone, der seine Jugend im sizilianischen Palermo verbrachte, schrieb schon früh seine eigenen Songs, die sich stark beeinflusst zeigen vom traditionellen Americana, dem Hämmern afrikanischer Rhythmen und mitteleuropäischer Zigeunermusik. Nach 8 Jahren des Tourens mit den „Licks“ und den „Melody Makers“ veröffentlichte er 2013 seine erste EP „Lost Every Night Alone“, die direkt am Meer mit nur einigen akustischen Instrumenten aufgenommen, auch die wilde Natur Sizilien widerspiegelt. In der Folge tourte Manuel mit seiner Band durch Europa und schrieb fast täglich neue Songs, die hier Inspiration mal in den Klängen und den Düften Polens fanden da im Lärm des Schmelztiegels London und dort in der künstlerischen Atmosphäre in Paris.
Neun dieser Titel fanden ihren Platz auf der 2015 erschienenen Debut-LP „Light From The Grave“, während andere durch die das Aufsaugen von Einflüssen und Ideen seines Tourlebens noch ausgefeilt werden.
Manuel Bellone -
Folk, country, rock songwriter:
Member of the rock bands the Licks and the Melody Makers , in 2013 Manuel starts his solo career and releases his first EP, "Lost Every Night Alone", composed by four songs. Influenced by the American country traditional music and by Ryan Adams' songwriting, in the Spring 2015 releases his first full-length album "Light from the grave".
Manuel was born in Meran, in the northern part of Italy, straight on the border with Austria. As soon as he was twelve he moved in Palermo, in the deepest southern part of Europe, a few miles away from the African shores. While his grandparents used to listen to the American folk music, he developed a different way to intend music, starting, at fourteen, to write his own songs, highly influenced by the traditional Americana, the hammering African pace and the Gipsy music, played in the Central Europe. During the years Manuel plays with different bands and musicians from all over Europe, sharing with them his folk features and, in return, learning a lot of new musical styles and tips. Being on stage for more than eight years with Vincent Hank ( more country influenced) and Federico Siino ( New Orleans Blues-oriented bassist), Manuel, in 2013, starts is own solo career, finding his final identity as a songwriter. His first EP “Lost every night alone” has been totally written by the sea, just with a couple of acoustic instruments, surrounded by the wild nature of Sicily. Promoting his solo album, Manuel and his band tour around Europe, writing every day new songs, influenced now by the sounds and perfumes of Poland, now by the noises and the melting pot of London, now by the bohemien atmosphere in Paris. Nine of those songs, in 2015, are included in Manuel Bellone’s Long Playing “Light from the grave”, while other tracks are still being shaped, soaking the ideas and the influences that everyday life on the road gives them.