Rhiannon Mair / Zoe Konez (UK)

Rhiannon Mair hat die Musik im Blut; ihre DNA ist eine tänzelnde Doppelhelix voll lebendiger Musikalität und brillantem Song-Writing. Ihre Vielschichtigkeit als Musikerin macht sie zu einer aufregenden und dynamischen Live-Performerin mit Ecken und Kanten und großartiger Bühnenpräsenz. Als Mischung aus Alanis Morrisette und KT Tunstall, mit einzigartiger charakteristischer Stimme, kann man Rhiannon Mair unmöglich ignorieren.
Ohne Vorwarnung zeigte das im April 2013 veröffentlichte Debut-Album „It Goes Like This“, welches allein durch Fans über eine Crowdfunding Plattform finanziert wurde, das Talent dieser jungen, authentischen Künstlerin.
Geboren und aufgewachsen in Colchester, war sie von klein auf von Musik und Musikern umgeben. Schnell entdeckte sie ihre Leidenschaft für das Schlagzeug, wechselte dann aber zur akustischen Gitarre. In Bands spielen und Songs schreiben schien Mair weitaus interessanter, als sich um ihren Schulabschluss zu kümmern. Später zog sie nach London und studierte Musik. Rhiannon Mair schrieb weiter eigene Songs und orientierte sich dabei an Größen wie Brian Molko (Placebo) und Matthew (Muse).
Ihr wachsendes Interesse an Folk und Singer-Songwriting führte sie zu Künstlern, wie KT Tunstall, Bjork und John Mayer.
Einflüsse: KT Tunstall, Alanis Morrisette, Muse, Placebo, Bonnie Raitt, Indigo Girls"Nice Tunes!" - Dermot O'Leary, BBC Radio 2
"What an incredible voice" - Roundhouse Radio
"The singer-songwriter scene is getting mighty crowded but this young lady stands out from the crowd. " - BBC Radio Suffolk
"Engaging, melodic, confident – everything you want a solo artist to be" - Birmingham Review
Rhiannon Mair has music in her blood; her DNA a dancing double-helix of vibrant musicality and song-writing savvy.
Born and raised in Colchester, she was surrounded by music and musicians from an early age. A childhood love of drums progressing to acoustic guitar in her teens, playing in bands and writing songs seemed "far more interesting than doing GCSEs". Later moving to London to study Music Tech, Rhiannon continued to play and write songs, admiring the work of musicians such as Brian Molko (Placebo) and Matthew Bellamy (Muse).
A growing interest in folk and singer-songwriters led her to artists like KT Tunstall, Bjork and John Mayer. Her eclectic playing experience has produced an exciting and energetic live performer with an edgy style and great stage presence. A hybrid of Alanis Morrisette and KT Tunstall, but with her own distinctive voice and vocal delivery, Rhiannon Mair is impossible to ignore.
official: https://www.youtube.com/
From the North West to the South Coast, settling in London via Australia, Zoe Konez is a force of well-travelled, indefinable acoustica.
As an inimitable guitarist exploring experimental open tunings and innovative playing techniques, Zoe brings us her unique twist of indie-folk. Through sharp lyrical acumen Zoe shares a tender balance of insightful personal introspection and keen observations on life. Her instinctive connection between word sounds and melodic pattern is woven through cross genre, open songwriting styles and delivered through confident command of her instruments – voice and guitar.
Long term friend and drummer Will Connor joins Zoe in a dynamic two-piece line up. Through this unconventional coupling they exhibit an intriguing and surprisingly complete sound, exposing a spacious chemistry between acoustic guitar and drums.
Zoe is passionate about musical collaboration and fostering creativity. She leads inspiring community music projects and showcases up-and-coming artists at her successful acoustic night Stop Look Listen.
official: https://www.youtube.com/