Rhys Crimmin & The Toms (AUS)

Rhys Crimmin & the Toms sind ein Produkt von Terang Born Rhys Crimmin und seiner reisenden Ein-Mann-Multiinstrumental
Eine immer weiter wachsende Show von Gitarren, Dideridoos, Mundharmonikas, Kazoos, Fuß-Perkussion und allem anderen, was er in seine Finger bekommt! In Australien beeindruckt er jede Nacht eine Menge Leute mit seinem einzigartigen Stil, den er gern als "Aussie Roots Folk Reggae & Dirty Foot Stompin' Blues" bezeichnet.
Dieser Klangmauer fügen "The Toms" Geige, Bass und Schlagwerk hinzu. Eine ansteckende Live Show mit so viel Energie und Handwerkskunst auf der Bühne, dass man kaum weiß, wohin man schauen soll!
Rhys Crimmin & the Toms are a band that not only burst at the seams with talent, but have a chemistry and stage presence that make them hard to ever forget!
From the moment Rhys Crimmin & the Toms start playing, audiences are drawn to the warm sound they create. An infectious live show, with so much energy and craftsmanship on stage, it is hard to know where to look! Playing hundreds of shows a year, they are still always unpredictable. You are likely to witness clapping, dancing, spontaneous jams, and even the odd sing along!
Rhys Crimmin & the Toms are a product of Terang Born Rhys Crimmin, and his travelling one man band multi-instrumentalist show. An ever growing show of Guitars, Didgeridoos, Harmonicas, Kazoos, Foot Percussion, and anything else he can get his hands on! He has been amazing crowds around Australia and the world every night with his unique style that he likes to call ‘Aussie Roots Folk Reggae & Dirty Foot Stompin’ Blues’.
After travelling solo for so many years Rhys has been able to jam with a lot of Artists, allowing him to hand pick some of the finest Musicians Australia has to offer and form his band ‘The Toms’.
Rhys first met Drummer Tom Jones in 2008. It was in Jonesy’s hometown of Sale, and after a few jams Rhys asked Jonesy to record on Rhys’ 2008 Album ‘Musical Journey’. Months of touring as a duo soon followed.
Rhys met Fiddle player Meagan Thomson in 2009 whilst playing snow shows at Megs’ workplace, a hotel in the snow at Mount Hotham. After getting up to jam most nights, Megs was asked to join the band and the trio completed a tour together as well as regularly playing festivals together.
The bass guitar was naturally picked up by Rhys’ younger and equally as talented brother Tyler Crimmin.
‘The Toms’ were born!
After only their first 4 shows together, they had won state and national finals in the Emergenza World band Competition and were being flown to Germany to represent their home country in the World Final. Before they could manage to tour Australia as a full band, they were being flown to tour around the world!
In 2012 Rhys Crimmin & the Toms recorded their first live album together called ‘Reworked’ which also featured their first studio recorded single called ‘The Aussie Song’. The single also gained much popularity on YouTube with its film clip. The other tracks on the Reworked album are full band versions of songs from Rhys’ previous recordings, the 2008 Album ‘Musical Journey’ and 2005 EP ‘Nightowl’.
The band, as well as Rhys solo, are always busy touring the live music scene around the world, playing many festivals and writing new material for their upcoming studio album!
Rhys Crimmin & the Toms are a band of hard working, independent, constantly touring Road Warriors! Be sure to check them out when they come to your town for a show, or make sure you catch them at a festival near you!