Stephen Brandon (AUS)

Dynamisch, ausdrucksvoll, lebensfroh und trotzdem sentimental: Jedes Lied von Stephen Brandon steckt voller Emotion und der eigenen Geschichte. Wahrscheinlich ist es seine Authentizität, die sein Publikum immer zum Mitmachen animiert. Der Zuhörer ist nie nur Zuhörer. Immer steht der Singer- Songwriter in Interaktion mit allem was sich im Raum befindet. Sein Stil ist beeinflusst vom Country, durchsetzt mit melancholischen und jazzigen Tönen. Am ehesten ließe er sich dem "Urban Folk" zuordnen.
Stephen Brandon hat schon in ganz Europa auf der Bühne gestanden, obwohl er ursprünglich aus Australien stammt. Dort wurde er sowohl von den Mainstream- als auch von den Independent -Sendern gespielt. Sein Debüt- Album heißt "Two hours Away" sein Neustes "Floating on a Limb" und erscheint Mitte dieses Jahres.
Whether the subject matter is love,loneliness or topics more slippery, a typical Brandon song demands your attention,roots firmly planted in both alternative culture and the art rock legacy of classic rockers. He has been tagged at various points of his career as a neo traditionalist,a maverick experimenter, a timeless troubadour and a Beatlesque psychedelic revivalist.
Now all the way from the shores of the eastern coast of Australia to the wide flat plains of Northern Germany. Brandon's career started way back in the high school days of Byron Bay where he grew up as a child to the urban scene of Sydney where he has been based until moving to Europe in 2006. Recieving Australian national radio airplay with seminal post grunge band Sinister Grin,and regularly touring the east coast from Melbourne to Brisbane with two critically acclaimed releases "Mum Drove the Getaway Car"and "Under a Different Sky". Debut album "Two Hours Away"(MDS) was released in 2004 and songs "Picasso Eyes" and "Crescendo Falls" enjoyed both mainstream and college radio airplay Australia wide.
Between performing in concert halls and troubadouring on the streets of northern Europe, Brandon seems to feel at home wherever he goes, The current live line up is either solo or as a duo with the brilliant St Petersburg violinist Esmeralda performing his own style of "Urban Folk."
When all roads eventually took him to Berlin.. "It wasn't part of any plan to stay here, one thing just led to another.."resulting in the new (soon to be released) album featuring Denis Jabusch on bass guitar,Kay Lübke on drums and David Engler on violin, mixed and co produced by good friend and fellow musician Dirk Homuth (Almost Charlie)
Thiteen songs recorded and mixed in Berlin with the help of the Berlin Senate offering the recording opportunity.