Emma Hill (USA)
![Emma Hill (USA)](http://www.tonfink.de/media/system/events/artists/thumbs/artistpic_1552.jpg)
Im Frühjahr 2007 brachte das Schicksal Emma Hill und Bryan Daste zusammen. aste war Aufnahmetechniker bei den Magic Closet Studios in Portland, Oregon, and Hill war dort vorbeigekommen um ihre ersten professionellen Demos aufzunehmen, nachdem sie aus Alaska weggezogen war. Fast 12 Jahre, sechs gut angenommene Alben und unzählige Tourmeilen später sind sie zurück mit ihrem siebten Album, Magnesium Dreams.
Während des Schreibens emotional aufgeladener lyrisch dichter Songs immer Hills Leidenschaft war, hat sie mit dem neuen Album ihre Grenzen erweitert - hinsichtlich Genre, Verletzbarkeit und Schreibstil mehr als je zuvor.
Zurzeit lebt Emma in Anchorage, Alaska, während Bryan noch in Portland weilt. Kürzlich haben beide eine Tour durch die westlichen USA absolviert. Die Veröffentlichung von Magnesium Dreams beweist einmal mehr, dass das Duo noch voll dabei ist und seine kreativen Grenzen beständig erweitert, indem es ihre Songs mit klanglichen Traumlandschaften, Pariser Jazz und Indie Pop-Balladen in ein stimmiges Bild verwandelt. Kritiker verglichen das Duo mit Gillian Welch und David Rawlings.
In early 2007 fate brought Emma Hill and Bryan Daste together via a Craigslist ad. Daste was a recording engineer at Magic Closet Studios in Portland, OR, and Hill had come in to record her first professional demos after a recent move from her home state of Alaska. Nearly twelve busy years, six well-received albums, and countless tour miles later, they are back with the release of their 7th studio album, Magnesium Dreams. While writing songs that are emotionally charged and lyrically focused has always been Hill’s passion, with Dreams she has pushed her boundaries with genre, vulnerability, and writing style more than ever before.
These days Emma resides in Anchorage, Alaska, while Bryan still calls Portland home. The pair have most recently completed a tour around the western US states. The release of their new album, Magnesium Dreams, proves that the duo are still going strong and pushing creative boundaries, weaving together songs with sonic dreamscapes, Parisian jazz, and indie pop ballads into a single cohesive work. Critics have compared the duo to Gillian Welch and David Rawlings and they are known for being some of the hardest working touring artists in the circuit.
From her roots of growing up in the small Alaskan village of Sleetmute to her worldwide travels, Emma has worked hard to secure a name for herself as a force in the music world. Splitting her time between tour and working within the local Anchorage music scene, she’s shown her dedication to keeping music alive wherever she goes. With the addition of Daste’s expansive talent, the pair have consistently produced music that speaks to the soul. With the release of Magnesium Dreams it feels like the duo is making a definitive statement.