I-Taki Maki (IT)
![I-Taki Maki (IT)](http://www.tonfink.de/media/system/events/artists/thumbs/artistpic_1534.jpg)
I-Taki Maki sind ein italienisches Alternativ-Indie-Duo, das 2012 gegründet, seit 2015 in Berlin beheimatet ist.
Die Gruppe besteht aus Go-Mimmi-Go (Songwriting, Gesang, Schlagzeug, Klavier, Keyboards, Glockenspiel, Melodica) und strAw (Songwriting, Gesang und Gitarre).
Ihre Musik lebt von einer Mischung aus Alternative Rock und Post-Punk-Einflüssen, Minimal-Arrangements und -Kompositionen sowie tiefem, emotionalem Klang.
Im Januar veröffentlichten sie bereits ihr viertes Album und auch live können sie viel: Sie spielen schön verträumte Sessions im intimen Rahmen in kleinen Clubs (wie bei uns :) ) oder auch mal kräftige mit ordentlichen Drums und scharfem Gitarrensound.
I-Taki Maki is an Italian Alt-Indie Duo, formed in 2012, based in Berlin since July 2015. The group consists of Go-Mimmi-Go
(vocals, drums, percussions & melodica) & strAw (vocals, guitars & harmonica).
Their music features a melding of alternative rock, slowcore and post-punk influences, typified by minimal arrangement and
composition, warm voices, deep emotional sound. Their last fourth album, “A Place to Leave”, has been released at the beginning
of January 2018.
The album is made up of nine songs, all based on the concept of "place" and each one connected to the next by a "fil rouge"; all of
them try to talk about the essence of human existence, the struggle for survival in a seemingly cosmopolitan and strongly
competitive world where the resources are not enough, where people in need are defeated by their impotent existence in a
globalized and consumerist state of madness, where thousands of people are forced to leave their home, their own families, for the
most disparate and desperate motivations.
Their fourth album has been augmented with a book. A narrative about migration and the need to open ourselves to the everchanging
realities we face in a multicultural environments. The book was written in Italian and released in Kindle version on
Amazon; English version will be available very soon.
I-TM have been on tour since their 4th album, "A Place to Leave", has been released, performing in Berlin's most important genre
venues (Rosi’s, Monarch, Badehaus, Dunker Club, Madame Claude, Noize Fabrik, Culture Container, Artliners, Lagari and many
more in Berlin but also Leipzig, Bochum, Hamburg, Luebeck, Prague, Amsterdam, Rome).
"A mighty and vigorous sound that becomes sometimes sweet and dreamy but also deeply sad, at the same time. Surrealistic,
introspective lyrics and a rude narration. indented and dark atmospheres, gray and foggy backgrounds, claustrophobic and
troublesome spaces, huge and confusing landscapes, where women and men live between lies and truth, love need, reconciliation
with themselves and with God. Unknowns fears."
Foto: Kate Seabrook