Leigh Marks (AUS)

Der australische Musiker Leigh Marks vermengt Blues, Rock und Americana mit einem einzigartigen organischen Klang, der durch seine gefühlvolle und an Gospel erinnernde Stimme ergänzt wird.
Im Westen Sydneys im künstlerischen Schmelztiegel der Blue Mountains aufgewachsen, verankert Leigh Marks vieles in seinen Grunge und Blues- Wurzeln und in der Umgebung in der er aufwuchs. In prägenden Jahren hörte er stundenlang Sänger wie Garry Stringer (Reef) und Paul Rogers (Free/Bad Company) an und entwickelte nach und nach seinen eigenen Gesang und eigenes Songwriting, das sich an Landschaften und Texturen orientiert. Diese Suche nach freiem Ausdruck und Ehrlichkeit ist der charakteristische Fokus seiner Kompositionen.
Australian singer-songwriter Leigh Marks is blending the musical styles of blues, rock and americana with a unique organic sound, which is perfectly complemented by his soulful and gospel-inspired singing voice.
Growing up west of Sydney in the artistic melting pot of the Blue Mountains, Leigh Marks has anchored much of his material to his grunge and blues roots, and the environment of his upbringing. In his formative years, he’d spend hours listening to vocalists such as Garry Stringer (Reef) and Paul Rogers (Free/Bad Company) developing his own vocal and songwriting that has grown to utilize landscapes and textures to present his style of delivery. This searching for free expression and honesty is the characteristic focus of his songwriting.
Leigh Marks started singing gospel at the Fathers House Blue Mountains in 2007, where freestyle singing and harmonizing with acoustic instruments and percussion would develop his ear and understanding of music. Already a regular fronting various acts across Sydney’s live scene, this experience would help him develop his craft and find opportunities abroad.
After spending 3 years in Hamburg, Germany, playing multiple gigs and festivals with the heavy rock band Crow of the Cloud, Leigh Marks returned to his native Australia to focus on his solo career.
"In what is my first solo album, I have worked to bring together much of what I consider blues, folk and soul music with experimental landscape in a way that embraces the old and the new. Many of these songs were written on an acoustic in the Blue Mountains here in Australia, while others were lived and written in cities abroad. Song writing and the world of each song has been the focus in the studio while creating this record.
I believe there are the colours of the distance travelled in these songs and the sounds that have moved and grounded me."
If something you hear is a door for you, I encourage you to walk through it.