James Walker (UK)

Der englische Singer/Songwriter James Walker ist ein introspektiver, intelligenter und packender Künstler, der Lieder von Liebe, Verlust und Heilung singt.
Nachdem er jahrelang als Pianist, Co-Autor und Mitarbeiter von Adam Barnes durch Europa getourt ist, nahm er nun seine eigene künstlerische Arbeit ins Visier, die geprägt ist durch seine Erfahrungen von Liebe und Herzschmerz, seine Identitätsfindung innerhalb der LGBT+ Gemeinschaft.
Sein Debut-Album „English Bones“ wurde im Oktober 2017 veröffentlicht.Das war seine erste Reise ins Schreiben über Identitätsfragen, Nostalgie und Promi-Stalker. Während des letzten Jahres gab James 230 Konzerte in Europa und den USA mit Künstlern wie Judy Blank, Matt Phillips, Josephine Zwaan, Youri Lentjes, Adam Barnes und vielen weiteren.
2018 veröffentlichte James seine neueste Single „Next To Me“ eine reduzierte Version des gleichnamigen Songs von seinem Album) und auch neues Material ist bereits in Arbeit...
Introspective songwriter James Walker was born in the UK, but has spent the past three years travelling across Europe and the United States honing his craft, performing as many shows as possible, and learning how to write about himself in the third person.
Initially a session musician, James played on extensive tours with Adam Barnes, by proxy befriending and supporting talents like Matt Simons, Chris Ayer, and Joseph & Maia.
James underwent a significant heart surgery that shaped his outlook and decision to become a writer of his own accord. He recognised, importantly, that life is short. This became a cornerstone in the stories that he tells within music.
His debut record, ‘English Bones’ (2017), gave James exposure to a global audience. The curation of teams such as Alexrainbird, granted millions of streams on YouTube, while international press via BBC, Huff. Post and Ear to the Ground, culminated in being handpicked by Spotify and Universal to appear on their ‘Easy’ and ‘Lazy Sunday Morning’ playlists.
Walker performed at over 230 in Europe and the States in 2017/18 with Judy Blank, Matt Phillips, The Brazen Youth, Josephine Zwaan and Youri Lentjes.
He currently is tracking his 2nd album with Sam Winfield (Amber Run, Supergrass, Bring Me The Horizon) at Studio 91.. The first cuts of this record are due to appear towards the end of the year via AWAL (Lauv, Laura Marling, Bruno Major), after an extensive run of European shows this summer. Stay tuned.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qwinX8kd5E (lyrics)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/08cmuH6uJGH9dQjvvdkTvR?si=dELUHTnEQRanvChLZNZOWA
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/james-walker/695441409