Adam Harpaz / Lucas Laufen (AUS)

Der in Byron Bay ansässige Adam Harpaz malt Bilder der Hoffnung für Zuhörer durch herzliche Performances und lyrische Untermalungen. Die Musik von Lucas Laufen bringt uns zum Innehalten und Atmen. Feine Melodien, verbunden mit starken Gitarrenriffs, unterstützt durch seine feine Stimme lassen einem eintauchen und geniessen. Die Küstenpoesie der wilden australischen Fantasie.
Adam Harpaz (AUS)
"Adam Harpaz ist ein außergewöhnlicher Singer-Songwriter aus Australien. Der in Byron Bay ansässige Singer-Songwriter malt Bilder der Hoffnung für Zuhörer durch herzliche Performances und lyrische Untermalungen.
Adam wurde auf den Radioplattformen in ganz Australien gespielt, war Teil von zahlreichen Festivals und spielte im ganzen Land ausverkauft Shows. Adams Musik wurde im Dokumentarfilm "The Meaning of Vanlife", welcher Teil der Serie "Vanlife Diaries" ist, vorgestellt, "
Lucas Laufen (AUS)
2016 verschob Lucas Laufen sein Leben um die halbe Welt. Von seiner Heimatstadt an der Küste in Australien lebt er nun in Berlin. Seite Mitte 2016 und seinem Release der EP «Goodbye» spielte er mehr als 100 Shows in ganz Europa. Dabei konnte er von Grund auf eine loyale Fanbase aufbauen.
Die Musik von Laufen bringt uns zum Innehalten und Atmen. Feine Melodien, verbunden mit starken Gitarrenriffs, unterstützt durch seine feine Stimme lassen einem eintauchen und geniessen. Die Küstenpoesie der wilden australischen Fantasie.
“With his sensitive and at the same time confident voice, this sweet bearded man sings to us. He tackles the loss of landmarks as well as the search for memories, isolation, freedom, sadness and love with ambition, succeeding in embellishing melancholy with honest hope.” -indiemusic
Lucas Laufen (AUS)
New beginnings also mean saying goodbye to an old life – to create a new chapter; you leave behind another.
In 2016, the Australian troubadour – a classically influenced singer and folk guitarist left everything behind in his coastal town of Port Lincoln for a life on the European road.
A competent pianist at the age of 8, a trumpet player at 10, in his teens Laufen discovered the acoustic guitar and began writing his own songs. After school, he began studying and working, however exhausting 60-hour weeks kept him from his goals, and the desire for self-realisation grew.
Recorded in Port Lincoln the cusp of his European transformation, Laufen’s 2017 EP Goodbye is a master class in beauty and restraint – a nostalgic ride that captures his thoughts and feelings of a time of departure.
Laufen’s music is the sort that makes us stop and breathe: sombre falsetto melodies married to shimmering guitar; elemental orchestrations that yearn and plunge – the coastal poetry of the wild Australian imaginary.
With a strong touring schedule already under his belt since arriving in Berlin, Laufen continues to magnetise a loyal European fan base, and is currently working towards his first full-length studio album.
"A Melancholic and spine-tingling voice" - indie Berlin
Adam Harpaz (AUS)
is an independent singer-songwriter from Australia.
The Byron Bay based singer-songwriter paints pictures of hope for his listeners through heartfelt performances and lyrical integrity.
Adam has been featured on esteemed radio platforms across Australia such as Triple J, performed at a myriad of major festivals including Splendour in the Grass / Falls Festival and has sold out shows across the country.
Adam’s music has been at the forefront of the ‘Vanlife Diaries’ movement, featured as their official musician for the US and Canada tour, as well as appearing in the upcoming documentary ‘The Meaning of Vanlife’.
After the successes of playing over 300 shows in 2018 and the release of his latest record Don’t Believe What They Say (Oct 2018), 2019 will undoubtedly be a big year for Adam.
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