Richie Ros (IRL)

Die Entdeckung der Fehlbarkeit von Märchen bereits in jungen Jahren hat Richie Ros zu seiner eigenen Reise gebracht, die jüngst in seiner einzigartigen Debut-Platte "Odyssey" gipfelte. Verträumt, zeitlos und melodisch ist Richies Musik, ein Mittel zum Ausdruck seiner inneren Welt. Garniert mit nachdenklichen Texten und positiv stimmenden zuweilen bluesigen oder jazzigen Schwingungen, behält Richie Ros seinen eigenen speziellen Ausdruck bei, der unterstrichen wird durch eindringlichen, melancholischen Gesang.
Richie Ros' von Grammy Preisträger David Odlum produzierte Debutalbum "Odyssey" fesselt die Vorstellungskraft des Zuhörenden. Enstanden ist das Album in Frankreich und Irland und so helfen auch verschiedenste Instrumente wie Trompete, Horn und Klavier, den vielschichtigen Stil von Richie Ros zu unterstreichen. Die Einzigartigkeit von "Odyssey" liegt in in seinem besonderen Ausdruck mit starkem, kraftvollem Gesang und schwermütigen Harmonien. Richie Ros hat die Fähigkeit, sich wirklich mit den Menschen zu verbinden, indem er sie mitnimmt auf seine emotionale Reise in eine Welt, die hinter fingierten Märchen liegt.
Es ist die Alchemie zwischen Texten und schwermütigen Harmonien, die Richies Musik so besonders macht. Der Pathos, der die Melodien durchzieht, bietet Erleichterung für unsre eigenen enttäuschten Träume, während er uns doch gleichzeitig erlaubt, nach dem berühmten glücklichen Ende zu streben...
The life story of Richie Ros is a testament to the human spirit and to the cathartic healing nature of music. Growing up in a state run orphanage in Limerick city, Ireland, Richie recalls feeling confused as to why his life was unfolding in the way it was. It was on Richie's 11th birthday that his long sought after guitar eventually materialised from a teacher who taught him he’s very first song on the guitar “Johnny Be Goode”. To cope with such emotional turmoil Richie began writing and performing his own songs and he developed his own inner world where his emotions were expressed through music. Despite the trauma of his early years Richie has refused to let his past define him. Richie had no control over the events in his life but the one thing he did have control over was his attitude.
Fate found him David Odlum, Grammy Award winning producer formerly of The Frames, who having liked the demo agreed to produce Richie’s Debut album “Odyssey” in the Black box studio, France. The album is fittingly called Odyssey – the journey of a young boy who in spite of all the odds stacked against him had worked to create his own fairytale. The music in his soul had, in his own words, finally “set him free”.
“Odyssey” will be released in 2019 and Richie Ros will be touring extensively, sharing his songs and stories with the world.
Oh my gawd tis Richie Ros.
Produced by Grammy Award Winner David Odlum, “Odyssey” the debut album by Richie Ros, will captivate the imagination of the listener. Having worked on the album in both France and Ireland, the addition of a variety of instruments such as trumpet, french horn and piano have helped to define the eclectic style of Richie Ros. The uniqueness of “Odyssey” lies in its own particular expression with strong powerful vocals and plaintive harmonies. Richie Ros has the ability to really connect with people by taking them on his emotional journey to a world beyond the fabricated fairytale.
Discovering the fallibility of fairytales at an early age prompted Richie Ros to undertake his own personal journey, that has since culminated in his unique debut record “Odyssey”. Dreamy, timeless and melodic, Richie’s music is a vehicle for his inner emotions. Garnished with thoughtful lyrics and uplifting harmonics, at times bluesy and jazzy, Richie Ros maintains his own particular ballad expression underscored with haunting melancholic vocals.
Richie Ros began song writing at the tender and impressionable age of 13, when he used his music as a release for his own turbulent emotions. Although his writing has evolved over the years it stems from a life less ordinary, marked with early loss and rejection. Drawing on the themes of loss and separation Richie Ros draws his listeners into his own emotional journey, in the hope his words will help resonate with their own personal Odyssey. “To be a good song writer,” says Richie “means you have to move beyond the personal escapism to create a space for your audience to connect.” We can all connect with the loss of faith in the ever after but it’s hard to let go of the fairytale when the human condition wants to believe.
Although the record has developed over a long period of time this worked to Richie’s advantage. The songs grew warmer and richer through the production and talents added on over the course of two years with Karl Odlum on bass, Dave Hingearty on Drums, Ruth O Mahoney Brady on Piano, hammond organ and string arrangments, David Odlum & Martin Corcoran on Guitar, Enda Collins on French Horn, and Aidan Kelly on Trumpet.
The early influences of Christy Moore, Luke Kelly, Don Mc Lean, Bob Marley and Sinead O Connor has helped influence his particular style of soulful ballad. His later influence of Mick Christopher imprinted a need for simplicity and emotional passionate song writing. Plaintive and soulful songs, similar to Van Morrison in his youth or Ray Lamontagne at the debut of his career, would eventually distil into musical ideas that would take years for Richie Ros to cultivate into his own personal style
It is the personal aspect of Richie’s songs that greatly adds to their authenticity. His music transports his listeners to a place both deep within and far beyond himself. In the song “Your Garden”, lyrics that were written after the death of his father we get an insight into his longing to meet his father again perhaps at a later time in his
celestial garden. In “Fairytales”, missed opportunities, lies and regrets can stop a soul from believing, while the haunted dreams in “It’s Too Late” stem from the child’s inability to reconcile himself to his past.
It’s the alchemy between the lyrics and plaintive harmonies that makes Richie’s music special. The pathos that permeates his melodies provides release for our own disappointed dreams while allowing us to long for the happy ever after.
Throughout the album Richie’s inner landscape provides the spring board for his lyrics lending them a richness of expression. As the odyssey culminates in “Strange mentality” Richie Ros comes to the realisation that it’s the music is your soul that sets you free. Daring to dream is the first step “Everyone longs for the fairytale, “says
Richie Ros, “the allure of the ever after is hard to resist. However, you have to work hard and be willing to dedicate yourself to begin to realise your dreams. The only short cuts in life are at the butcher shop.”
_______________________________ (Fairytales 2015) (Running Away 2019)