Cub & Wolf (SWE)

Cub & Wolf wurden eher aus Spaß und zur Erholung gegründet als als Ergebnis ernsthafter arbeit oder einer bestimmten Idee. Mattias Larsson arbeitete als Produzent des Golden Kanine Albums "Oh Woe!" und Linus Lindvall hatte mit Gitarre und anderem zu dem Grant Creon Debut Album "Damn Those Thigs" beigetragen und war mit anderen Bands getourt. Die zwei Freunde und Zusammenarbeitenden begannen während ihrer Projekt-Pausen gemeinsam im Studio herumzuhängen und das erwies sich als netter Idee, um sowohl die klanglichen Grenzen des Studios zu testen als auch neue Wege in Produktion und Songwriting zu erforschen. Nach einiger Zeit war in spätabendlicher und nächtlicher Arbeit eine ordentliche Anzahl von Songs aufgenommen.
Dieses Album ist eine Auswahl dieser Songs, die entweder am selben Tag ihrer Aufnahme geschrieben wurden oder aus altem Material bestanden, das nie irgendwo anders hineinpassen wollte. Die Songs wurden während des Aufnahmeprozesses arrangiert und produziert, kein einziger von ihnen wurde überarbeitet. Freunde in verschiedenen Bands (wie Idle Hands& the devils playthings, Caleido, Grant Creon & Golden Kanine) trugen im Entstehungsprozess der Songs zu Ihnen bei. Während das Material wuchs, wuchs auch die Idee zum Projekt Cub & Wolf und nun ist es an der Zeit, diesen Welpen von der Leine zu lassen.
Cub & Wolf got into being more out of fun and recreation than out of labor or an idea. Mattias Larsson had worked as a producer on the Golden Kanine album "Oh Woe!” and Linus Lindvall had contributed with some guitars and stuff on the Grant Creon debut album “Damn those things” alongside touring with each other bands. The two friends and collaborators started hanging out in the studio “A place to mourn” during the time they had off from their other projects and it turned out to be a nice way both to explore the sonic boundaries of the studio, finding new ways of producing and songwriting. After some time had passed a vast amount of songs had been recorded, during late nights and evenings.
This album is a selection of those songs which were written either on the same day as they were recorded or old stuff that never seemed to fit in anywhere else. The songs were arranged and produced in the process of the recording, neither of them rehearsed. Friends in different bands such as Idle Hands & the devils playthings, Caleido, Grant Creon & Golden Kanine contributed in the process of recording these songs. As the material grew, the idea of a project, Cub & Wolf, was conceived and now it´s time to let this puppy loose.
The debut album is a selection of those songs which were written either on the same day as they were recorded or old stuff that never seemed to fit in anywhere else. The songs were arranged and produced in the process of the recording, neither of them rehearsed. Friends contributed in the process of recording these songs and as the material grew, the idea of a project, Cub & Wolf, was conceived.
Since the first record was released and a whole lot of touring the pack has grown further with three additional members. Dante from Golden Kanine joined on bass and vocals, Anton Linderoth from Club K joined on guitar and synth and now we have the excellent Wilhelm Strandberg on drums. Moving from two rehearsals to one and got an additional studio to record with ease and at a faster pace.
We wrote songs on tour, at home, in the rehearsal room, in the studio, in bed and now there is an entire new album finished with a totally new approach to songwriting, recording & producing and we´re more than happy to be sharing it with you soon!
Cub & Wolf are bigger, happier, louder, more miserable and more productive than ever!