Gleewood (USA)

Gleewood ist eine Americana/Folk-Band aus New Mexico, das sich durch Blues, Folk und Rock'n'Roll groovt. Jhett und Callie Sioux's Texte gefallen Folk und Roots-Musik-Enthusiasten und bringen eine Energie, die zu dynamischen Jams , gespeist aus den psychedelischen 60ern, anschwillt.
Ihr neues Album "Sweet, Sweet Time" macht deutlich nostalgische Anspielungen auf Vintage Folk Rock Bands wie The Animals, Buffalo Springfield und Lindisfaren und setzt sich mit dynamischem und progressivem Songwriting höflich über gewohnte Grenzen hinweg.
Gekleidet in Silber, Türkis und Denim bringen Gleewood mit stimmlicher Rafinesse und einem mitreißenden Bühnenprogramm ein South-West-Patina ans Gute, Böse und den Blues (teh Good, the Bad and the Blues).
Gleewood is a New Mexican husband/wife fronted Americana/folk rock band that grooves through blues, folk, and rock 'n' roll. Jhett and Callie Sioux's lyrics lend a story to folk and roots music enthusiasts and bring an energy that swells into dynamic jams pumped from the heart of the psychedelic 60s. Though both fourth generation New Mexican, it was after Jhett Schiavone began his acoustic songwriting in Hawaii that he met, married, and began writing with western desert flower, Callie Sioux.
Gleewood has averaged more than 200 shows per year since their first album release in 2014 and has opened for number of acts including, Southern Rock legends: The Marshall Tucker Band and today's Psychedelic Rock authorities: Radio Moscow. While their new album, "Sweet, Sweet Time," makes obvious nostalgic nods to vintage folk rock bands like The Animals, Buffalo Springfield, and Lindisfarne, it courteously dismisses boundaries with dynamic and progressive songwriting. Garbed in silver, turquoise, and denim, Gleewood leads with vocal ingenuity and an uplifting stage presence to bring a southwestern patina to the good, the bad, and the blues.
__________________________ (2015) (2107)