Taz Chernill (RUS)

Alte, vergessene Volkslieder Osteuropas, unkonventionelle Harmonien und vertrackte Rhythmen des Jazz, elektronisch verfremdete Sounds aus den Ecken alternativer Popmusik - all das steckt in dem bunten Mosaik der Musik von Taz Chernill. Verschiedene Kulturen prallen hier nicht aufeinander, sondern schlagen Hand-in-Hand gehend eine ganz neue Richtung ein.
Altes wird nicht vergessen, sondern in ein modernes Gewand gesteckt. So findet sich eine traditionelle Melodie plötzlich über dick aufgetragenen Synthesizerflächen wieder, Klänge klassischer Akustikgitarre werden mit metallisch, perkussivem Drumset vermischt. Dabei entsteht eine neue, in sich stimmige Musik, die trotz all ihrer historischen Einflüsse absolut modern klingt.
Taya Chernyshova - Vocal, Keys, FX
Roman Gorich - Guitar, FX
Malte Viebahn - E-Bass, FX
Jan Philipp - Drums
Sorrow. Rapture of yearning. Desperate dance on heart splinters. Hypnotic spells. Laughter of own grief.
Love is blazing on the stage, death is weeping, people are turning into swans, songs are twining around with flowers, winds are dancing with trees and houses, you are missing the last flight to paradise.
Taz Chernill is a colourful boho mosaic of folk songs and original compositions blending unconventional harmonies and unexpected twists of rhythms reflecting different eras and cultures. Antique sounds will be bravely and boldly redefined through voices of modernity. The electro-acoustic sound of the quartet recycles the musical heritage of past centuries and stretches it to new limits through the vibes of modern urban lifestyle.
The band grew out of the long-year musical friendship of the vocalist Taisiia Chernyshova and guitarist Roman Gorich. They started out playing compositions of the great classical composers, like Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich and traditional Eastern-European music in their college years back in Moscow. Later on, this cooperation developed into a whole new world as they both moved to Germany , where their music got deeply influenced by the modern styles and Western cities.
In 2016 Taz Chernill released their first EP "Burelome", presenting acoustic versions of their neo-world music songs. Besides various festival appearances (Zugvögel Festival, Nur Live Festival, LiederLauschen Festival, Jazz Against The Machine, Euros Festival), they tour all around Germany and are a regular guest of the Russian Poetry Jam (Cologne, Frankfurt).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjMadPK4nYk (official)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKIpO8BjssU (live)