Ella John (D)

Das junge Singer-Songwriter-Duo aus Berlin teilt Geschichten und Gedanken über Wichtigkeiten und Nichtigkeiten dieser Zeit.
Ihre Lieder, eine Mischung aus Alternative Folk, Indie-Pop und einer Brise Jazz, erzählen von der andauernden Reise, die sich Leben nennt; erzählen vom Aufbruch und Ausbruch, von Vögeln und brennenden Brücken, vom Verlorengehen und Heimkommen; von der Freiheit und der ewigen Suche nach Meer.
Young singersongwriter duo from Berlin is sharing stories and thoughts about everything that matters and everything that should. Their songs, which are a mixture of Alternative Folk, Indie Pop and a litle bit of Jazz, tell us about the constant journey that is called life, about awakening and escaping, about the birds above us and burning bridges behind us, about getting lost and getting home, about freedom and the everlasting search for the sea.
Founded in 2014 as a solo acoustic project by the songwriter Magdalena Jacob, Ella John is deeply rooted in the street musician and travelling scene. Brought to life somewhere in a land on the moon, the project has come a long way down, from the lonely girl with the guitar, singing songs about the manic-depressive humours of life, through to a stable duo containing two guitars, one unique voice and the unmistakable style characterized by the lead guitar of Aaron Jacob.
After going through a couple of common bands and collaborations, Magdalena and Aaron Jacob decided to dare the leap into the dark. They moved to Berlin, they married, they signed with Parrandera Records and after the first sold-out EP “Concert next door”, they released their first album “Games & Borders” to the world. Now they share a room, they share a bed and they share the journey, as it has only just begun.