That Dog Was A Band Now (int.)

That Dog Was A Band Now: Eine Indie-Band von Alternative-Folk-Troubadouren; der Sound geprägt von liebeskranker Poesie, gesungen von müden Stimmen, vom behutsamen Bearbeiten akustischer Saiten, beherztem Zupfen am abgerockten Banjo, von jazzigen Drums und krachenden Melodien eines lebhaften Akkordeons.
Mit ihren Mitgliedern aus Kanada, Schweden und den USA, ist TDWABN eine Vagabunden-Band, die im Grunde ausschließlich auf der Straße existiert. Im Sommer 2018 werden sie über 60 Konzerte in ganz Europa (und wir meinen GANZ Europa) spielen. Seit sie sich 2013 in einer Schule für Pantomime und Clownerie gefunden haben, haben sie bereits die ganze Welt bereist.
Ihre neuestes Album von 2018 wurde in einem Schiffscontainer-Studio in Fredericia, Dänemark aufgenommen und vom amerikanischen Kult-Produzenten "Kramer" gemastert.
That Dog Was A Band Now: an indie band of alt-folk troubadours creating a sound defined by lovesick poetry sung through tired voices, careful smacking of acoustic strings, the sliding plucky twang of bad ass banjo, jazzy drums, and the thumping melodies of an active accordion.
With members from Canada, Sweden, and the USA, TDWABN is a vagabond band that only exists on the road. Over the summer of 2018, they will play 60+ shows in Denmark, Sweden, Italy, the UK, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Austria, and the Netherlands. Since forming at a clown school in Northern California in the autumn of 2013, they have played shows all over the world.
Their April 2018 release "Stings Poetic" was recorded at a shipping container studio in Fredericia, Denmark and mastered by "Kramer"- an iconic American producer. Check it out on Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and all the other major streaming platforms.
Back in 2013, That Dog Was A Band Now formed at one of the best Physical Theatre & Clown schools in the world, located in the Redwoods of Northern California. Since, the band has toured Europe and North America extensively. After recording a 'live on the floor' EP in Eureka California during the Spring of 2016, the band was signed to Santa Rosa Records; Santa Rosa will be releasing an album recorded at a shipping container recording studio on a harbour in Denmark in August of 2017-- the album is being mastered by American music icon "Kramer" (Butthole Surfers, Ween, Daniel Johnston, Pulp Fiction soundtrack) and is set to be released in early March, 2018.
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